Saturday, April 14, 2007

My Easter weekend

Hey all, You know this is my first blog and i get such great comments thank you so much it helps me when i am in a hard times. Well school is gonna start soon and I am not looking forward to that lol. So I am a little blue because of that but i had a great Easter week. During the week we had allot of fun. I got to sleep in to like 12:00 which i love to do. We rented the movie the guardian and if anyone is look for a great movie watch this movie. Its based on a true story about The coastal rescue team and how they save lives. A couple days ago My sister almost got hit by a truck which we are now dealing with but I always say I don't love my sister but when you hear something like that you really start to think about what would happen if that truck would have hit her. We had tag day today for cadets we had to get up at 7:30am and that is hard when you are used to sleeping in. Got to the h.m.s unicorn and 9:00 and i was raising money for my squad till 3:30 non stop. I at least made some friends. Again thanks for your comments they really help me out doing this type of thing.

God bless!


Denise said...

Hello from Tennessee, praying that everything will go well for you when you go back to school. I thank God that your sister is ok, God is so awesome.

Grandparents Corner said...

Wow, you were busy but at least you got some rest too. I'm so thankful your sister didn't get hurt. Big 'howdy' from Texas! ;)